ROLL 67. Penshurst, 31st
December 1968. Yanac, 1st January 1969. Hamilton-Horsham Line, 2nd
January 1969. Newlyn Line, East Ballarat Loco, 3rd January 1969.
All photos © Les Brown.
Not to be used for Publication.
Scanned Negatives
67-01. Y172 & Y142.
67-02. Y172 & Y142.
Penshurst. Crew change.
67-03. T400. Hamilton.
67-04. Hamilton.
67-05. Hamilton.
Locomotives and Rail Motors were serviced here after the closure of the much
larger Coleraine Junction depot in 1967.
It was a return back to the site of Hamilton’s original locomotive depot before
it moved to Coleraine Junction in 1928.
67-06. Hamilton.
67-07. 11RM. Hamilton. A
freshly painted Rail Motor is seen here arriving at its destination on a
service from Ararat.
67-08. Hamilton. Too see
what it looks like exactly fifty years later click or tap on the photo.
67-09. T386. Yanac Line.
Whilst a normal healthy young lad of 17 should be partying with his mates on
New Years eve, I welcomed 1969 inside the Guards Van of this train at Dimboola,
which I dared not risk missing, to await its 4:00 am departure to Yanac. The
raucous revelry going on in the Pub across the road from the station didn’t
67-10. Yanac Line.
Peppercorn trees were a standard decoration at Victorian stations in the
Wimmera and Mallee.
The railway line to Yanac was closed in December 1986. Thirty-three years
later, not much remained to indicate the past presence of a railway, apart from
the unrestrained growth of these trees which took over almost the entire
platform mound.
67-11. T341. Balmoral.
67-12. T341. Balmoral.
Cross and crew change.
67-13. Y111. Kanagulk?
67-14. K157. East Natimuk.
67-15. Y111 & K157.
East Natimuk.
67-16-17. Ballarat East
Engine Shed. It was probably the largest regional depot. This composite view is
looking north with the shed wall facing the main line.
There are 4 W-class locomotives hiding inside. They were not a popular engine
and only reluctantly used.
67-18. W242. Creswick.
67-19. W242. Creswick.
67-20. W242. Allendale.
67-21. W242. Newlyn.
67-22. W242. Newlyn.