ROLL 49. A.R.H.S. Excursion
to Fyansford 6th July 1968.
All photos © Les Brown. Not
to be used for Publication.
49-1. D3 639.
Tottenham. This East-South connection to the Sunshine-Newport line was
completed two years previously. Beware of poles.
49-2. D3 639.
49-3. Near Tottenham. Taken
from the bridge in 49-2, a 4-car Tait set can be seen heading towards Tottenham
Station from Sunshine. This scene is quite different today.
49-4. D3 639.
Manor Ballast Quarry (Near Little River). For a more recent view, click here.
49-5. D3 639.
Manor Ballast Quarry (Near Little River). I hate poles. For a more recent view
(with less poles), click here.
49-6. D3 639.
Near North Geelong.
49-7. K164. North Geelong.
49-8. l-r; W258, T3?? &
T???. Geelong. Now why did I take this picture? Maybe it was to show the empty
coal storage bins, or the I-trucks
loaded with coal, or the diesel roads? Never mind it’s done and the scene is
49-9. K183. Geelong.
49-10. l-r; W249, T397 &
K183. Geelong.
49-11. l-r; K156, J550 &
K1??. Geelong.
49-12. l-r; R753, R711, R707
& K156. Geelong.
49-13. K176. Geelong.
49-14. K183. Geelong.
49-15. D3 639.
49-16. D3 639.